The Battle for World Air Supremacy has ended. Resulting in a forefit due to late registrations, Strategic Military Services has claimed first prize in the tournament. Despite this mix up, has plans to start up a second AC6 Tournament. More information will be provided when available.
Team registrations have closed today at 10:30am EST. The Battle for World Air Supremacy start time is at 1pm EST, July 18th, 2009. Team Registrations end on July 16th, 2009 at 10:30am EST. Battle for World Air Supremacy tournament rules are as follows: An update has been made to the tournament. Battle for World Air Supremacy will be on July 18th, 2009, 1pm EST. Any participants that live outside of the United States can email [email protected] A new AC6 online Tourney is in the works. Announced by Fatmanscoop, is hosting a free Ace Combat 06 online Tournament which will reward the winning team with new XBOX 360 Controllers and one month Gold Subscriptions to XBOX Live. The tourney is currently under development, but Fatmanscoop is available for more questions in a topic posted at or he may be contacted at work via telephone at 813-374-2460. |