I've added the temporary email, [email protected]. This will allow ACN to utilize a contact form to better get in touch with everyone that visits the website. Wether it is a submission, suggestion or complaint, feel free to use the contact sheet at anytime. The ACN Staff will be allowed to access the ACN Email account at anytime time they're on.
Besides more Squadron Index additions, a new page is currently under construction and a new staff member is to come on board sometime this weekend. More details on that later. -RB
The first staff member for the website has arrived. Yellow 13 of the 156th TFW 'Aquila' has taken up a general site manager position, besides being the Squadron and Community Index proof reader. I've decided that the best time to open up the site will be around the beginning of July or late may, depending on the cooperation I get from the squadrons. Even if the index isn't filled up, I'd like to get a good number of pages for the squadrons completed. I'll be focusing on the Squadron Index this weekend. Maybe dabble around in the Squadron FAQ as well. The FAQ to be used is going to be a modified one from ACS; already got permission from Eagle 1, so it's all good. That one is pretty spot on for the most part. Ribbon-Blue: I've successfully setup the ACC.net forum as a way for people to submit videos and images or get in contact with the ACC.net staff. It's a pretty sweet system. It's small, on site and out of the way unless you're looking for it. |