Ace Community Network


Links of Interest

Date of Formation: July 25th, 2007
Site of Formation:
Primary Consoles: XBOX 360, Playstation 3
Primary Games: Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, Tom Clancy's HAWX, Call of Duty: World at War

The 51st Mercenary Division was formed in July of 2007 in preparation for the release of Ace Combat 6. Prior to the release of Ace Combat 6, members of the 51st primarily played internal score and time based competitions using the Ace Combat legacy games. After the release of Ace Combat 6, the 51st focused primarily on Ace Combat 6. As widespread interest waned, the 51st chose to add Call of Duty 4 as a game for competitive play. In the middle of 2008, authority was spread amongst 5 members of the 51st, and a number of other games were added to the 51st's gaming format, including H.A.W.X. Going forward, the 51st plans to adapt to ever-changing gaming needs trimming games that no longer are of interest, while incorporating new games of interest. The leadership format is a panel. No rank system. Member treatment based on level of involvement, not seniority.

Contact Information

Contact Name(s): CanyonSurfer, Silverwolf76, MobiusBlaze, Drivont, and Littlewolf276
Contact EMail: [email protected]